My mind is troubled with
many issues; l think l should share part of it. The house of God is assumed to
be a place of refuge; place to hear the words of comfort and peace; place to
hear word of admonitions. But the reverse is the case. I discovered that, house
of God has become den of ungodly rivalry, undue hatred, fashion display,
organised hypocrisy, envy, revelries, outbursts of
wrath and unimaginable evil in the heats of Christians. I begin to wonder; how
God will be feeling in His throne? If l should be God, l would have consumed
the whole world with fire in anger, for our waywardness and perverseness even
in His house. The fruits of the Spirit (agape love, joy, goodness,
faithfulness, kindness, self-control, patience, peace etc.) have become
disappearing acts in the house of God.
We celebrate worldly
things rather than godly things. We worship money at the expense of purity. We
honour men at the expense of our Creator. We celebrate wolves in the house of
God at the expense of sheep in the sheepfold. We pretend to be saints but worse
that Satan itself. We pretend to be advocate of peace but we are devil’s
advocate. We build with one hand; scatter with other hand. We are carry the
banner of Christianity; but our attitudes can be ranked pari passu with
attitudes of fallen angels. We pretend to be united in Christ Jesus; but we
live a life of cat and mouse, blood on the altar; holy abomination in the house
of God.
God is angry, our advocator is pleading for mercy. For how long this
will continue? We are all guilty one way or the other; founders, Pastors,
leaders, followers in the house of God. This is the period of sober reflection
and not only to wine and dine. Must we crucify Him over and over again through
our attitudes? Must we make him weep in agony over and over again through our
characters? Matthew 5:13-16. We are the salt of the earth; but if salt loses
its flavour, how shall it seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be
thrown out and trampled upon. We are the light of the world. A city sets on the
hill that cannot be hidden. Let us come with genuine heart of repentance. Let
us make our light shine before men that they may see our good works and glory
of our Father in heaven as we set to step in to a new year. God is merciful,
slow in anger. He is waiting to welcome us back to His sheepfold just like
prodigal son. Are you ready to take a bold step of faith?