Monday, July 14, 2014


God will never show us hurdles we must cross; the battles we must win; strange ordeals we must pass through in the sojourn on earth. He will rather show us the GLORY ahead. In between are battles we must fight with the last breath in us, oppositions we must contend with and temptations we must resist. If He shows us what we will pass through to attain the GLORY ahead, fear of the battle will overwhelm our souls, everybody will be scared to pursue his or her dreams in lifetime and many may abandon their dreams for something else.
Joseph was a typical example of the above topic. God revealed to him in his dreams what he will become in life but He never showed him what he will pass through to attain the position. Genesis 37:5-11. His brothers sold him a slave. Genesis 37:27-28. He was favoured in his master’s house. Genesis 38:2-3. His master’s wife attempted to seduce him but he resisted the seduction. Genesis 38:8-13. He was imprisoned for the offence he did not commit. One thing that is unique about Joseph is that he is so faithful to his calling even in prison. Despite all the temptations and challenges, he did not allow them to distract him. He actually became what God has ordained him from heaven; from prison to palace to become Prime Minister in a foreign land. Genesis 41:41-44.


  1. Love your blogs! GOD bless you. Gracie

  2. God will always stand for us; past, today and future...........

  3. God holds the past, today and tomorrow, I know my future is secured in you in as much that l follow your WILL

