Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Somewhere deep inside us is a call to purpose. Somewhere deep inside us is a glowing light waiting to light up the whole world. Oftentimes, this call is not rational and even seemingly to be absurd. This thought is for real, but clouded with issues of life.
This faint voice is a voice of inspiration, encouragement and motivation; but restrained by what occupy our hearts. It gives us a push regardless of what anyone might say to us. We feel its comfort just like cool breeze touching our skin. But oftentimes we care not to listen to what this silent voice from within is saying. We are distracted by; opinions of the people, pressure from peers group and what we can see. This meek voice is from our Creator; telling us what to do per time.
Open your inner mind to hear from Him. One word from God, duly observed will definitely save us from years of wandering in the wilderness of life. Will you care to listen anytime He speaks to your inner mind?


  1. The Holy Spirit from God wants to interact with us day by day, but we are so busy to listen and act on His directive. Thank you Ayo for this wonderful post

  2. This is amazing wisdom & truth. May God give us the courage to live it!

