Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Oftentimes, we look into the future, anxieties of the unknown grip our hearts. Sometimes, we look into the future and it seems the whole world is coming to an end. Our early dreams become mirage, our thoughts clouded with gross darkness with no blink of light. Our wisdom become foolishness, our strength become weary, our faith faint away, our legs become too heavy to carry us again.
 But we are children of prophecies; born to fulfil a specific prophecy, ordained from the foundation of the earth. We are created for a mission, the mission that must be accomplished. We are born for a purpose; a purpose that must be fulfilled. All we need is destiny helpers; who will show us the path to follow, hold our hands when we are weak, fill our hearts will words of encouragement when we are down in spirit; destiny helpers to link up the events of life as they are ordained from heaven.

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