Monday, September 22, 2014


Order my steps in your light oh Lord
Though gross darkness engulf the whole world
Let your light shine on my path; lest l fall into the pit of life
Guide me in this perverse world; lest l become victim of errors
Order my steps in your light oh Lord

Order my steps in your words oh Lord
Let your words fill my heart; guide me day and night
Teach me what to say, lest l become victim of my own words
Do not allow my enemies to rejoice over me
Order my steps in your words oh Lord

Order my steps in your will oh Lord
Teach me to do your will, lest l become frustrated in my pursuits
Let me hear your voice in this strange world
The voices of the strangers, l will not hear
Order my steps in your will oh Lord

Order my thoughts in your thought oh my Lord
Do not let my thoughts be corrupted with these worldly things
Keep my heart pure oh Lord
Teach me always to be conscious of You
Order my thoughts in your thought oh Lord.

Hope you have been blessed with this inspirational message? Post your testimony; share this post with others. God bless you as you share it with others.........

1 comment:

  1. A very timely message that I needed to hear today. Thank you for sharing and may God bless you!

