Tuesday, November 25, 2014


It is true that in every ugly situation there are hidden treasures waiting for someone who is ready to take the risk to unleash the hidden treasures. So also things that pose greatest threats are always clothed with gold and very appealing apparel. I came across this illustration some days ago and l will like to share it in this message. If you place a frog in a pot of boiling water, it will immediately attempt to scramble out for safety. Place the same frog in water at room temperature; do not scare it, it will stay put. But if the pot sits on a heat source, and if you gradually turn up the temperature, something very interesting will happen. As the temperature rises, initially the frog will do nothing. In fact, it will show every sign of enjoying itself. As the temperature gradually increases, the frog will begin to feel uncomfortable and getting weaker, until it is unable to climb out of the pot. Though there is nothing restraining the frog, it will sit there and boil, perhaps to death. Why? The frog’s internal apparatus for sensing threats to survival is geared to sudden changes in its environment; not to slow, subtle and gradual changes.
That is how many are caught unaware in the voyage of life. What causes regrettable events in life are often embedded in pleasures so that the potential victims will hardly notice it. We become prey to destructive events when we are enjoying the goodies life offers. Adam and Even lost eternal joy because of disobedience Genesis 3:9-19. Rueben lost all the blessings as a first son because of some minutes pleasure Genesis 49:3-4. What brought Samson from grace to grass was coated in his lust for strange women. Not everything that is appealing at first glance will give you eternal joy if you care to look beyond what you see now.  

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