Tuesday, November 25, 2014


It is true that in every ugly situation there are hidden treasures waiting for someone who is ready to take the risk to unleash the hidden treasures. So also things that pose greatest threats are always clothed with gold and very appealing apparel. I came across this illustration some days ago and l will like to share it in this message. If you place a frog in a pot of boiling water, it will immediately attempt to scramble out for safety. Place the same frog in water at room temperature; do not scare it, it will stay put. But if the pot sits on a heat source, and if you gradually turn up the temperature, something very interesting will happen. As the temperature rises, initially the frog will do nothing. In fact, it will show every sign of enjoying itself. As the temperature gradually increases, the frog will begin to feel uncomfortable and getting weaker, until it is unable to climb out of the pot. Though there is nothing restraining the frog, it will sit there and boil, perhaps to death. Why? The frog’s internal apparatus for sensing threats to survival is geared to sudden changes in its environment; not to slow, subtle and gradual changes.
That is how many are caught unaware in the voyage of life. What causes regrettable events in life are often embedded in pleasures so that the potential victims will hardly notice it. We become prey to destructive events when we are enjoying the goodies life offers. Adam and Even lost eternal joy because of disobedience Genesis 3:9-19. Rueben lost all the blessings as a first son because of some minutes pleasure Genesis 49:3-4. What brought Samson from grace to grass was coated in his lust for strange women. Not everything that is appealing at first glance will give you eternal joy if you care to look beyond what you see now.  

Saturday, November 22, 2014


Marriage goes beyond two naked bodies; rolling in an ecstasy on the bed. It takes a shoulder of a superman to carry burdens of the holy union. Marriage is a source of unending joy to the wise; but fools open door for strange ordeals, full of bitter experiences. Marriage is ordained by God; it takes wisdom and understanding, with meekness of heart to sustain the union because forces beyond the natural always want to obstruct the plans of God. It is obvious that no marriage is perfect; but it takes two parties involved to share common mind in order to experience unending bliss in the voyage of marriage.
Marriage is good but it is the most complicated venture in human’s endeavour. Marriage is only an institution where you obtain your certificate before you proceed on your studies. Many young ones fool themselves, believing they are fooling someone else. Marriage is not Hollywood movies; it is a personal experience that can make or make someone’s destiny. Many are so curious to go into it; but end up rushing out of it. Many fall in love with; personality, money, achievement, status, stature and other funny things. They have forgotten that they will live with characters and attitude of other party in marriage. That is why unresolved issues are inevitable in many marriages. They are blindfolded by the illusion of marriage because they decided to be undecided, their lust lead to distraction, distraction to wrong discovery, wrong discovery to wrong choice, wrong choice to predicament and predicament to broken marriages, with physical and emotional abuses.
But a wise one will wait patiently, look beyond today, follow the right path to make his or her choice; and enjoy unending blissful moments of the holy union.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Expectation is the conception stage of manifestation; it is the determinant factor of manifestation. What you do not expect, you cannot possess. What you do not desire, definitely you cannot have it. Indeed, there is power in expectation. It is a force that draws a hope or material thing from the spiritual realm to the physical. The same force brings a thing from abstract to reality. Bible gives us clear revelation of what Earth looks like at the beginning before God’s profession in Genesis 1:3-28 “The earth was without form, and void;…..Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.” Other God’s expectations came to manifestations as He professed. All these things came out of abstract to reality.
However, what sustains your expectations through the thick and thin of life is “FAITH.”  Expectation delivers maximally when it is backed up by faith in God, focused mind and other relevant steps channel towards the manifestation. Great success in life’s endeavour, blissful family, lucrative jobs, victories in the battles of life and many other things are the manifestations of your expectations. No one can achieve anything in life without first expecting it. Abraham, the father of FAITH left certainty for uncertainty; believing in his expectations through the directive of God. He was blessed beyond measures Genesis 12:1-2, 13:2. David’s expectation gave him victory over Goliath I Samuel 17:45-50. Woman with the issue of blood combined faith with great expectation and she became healed from her long time sickness.
What can you see yourself become in the next few years from now? Create a mental picture of such in its best form; hold onto it despite all odds of life. Begin to expect it; back up your expectations with relevant planning, preparations, actions, diligent work and strong faith in God. When all these are in place, your manifestation is guaranteed. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Amidst of every boisterous wind lies the way out of it. Amidst of every challenge of life lies great opportunities to become a celebrity. Challenge is just like illusion; it is not real until you make it to become real. Despite overwhelming darkness in the tunnel; you can only see the light, if you can see through it. But appreciating a challenge, seeing it from the angle of opportunity is what majority of people lack. Many are fighting shadow because they have not realised it is a shadow. Many could not contend with the challenges of life because they think their challenges are too big for them.
However, the way an eagle meets and handles the challenge of wind brings to mind the opportunities you can derive from a challenge. Let us examine them briefly for better understanding of how challenges can become stepping stones to prominence.
  • Turbulent wind causes the eagle to soar higher: This is tremendous lifting power in the thermal updrafts of turbulent winds. It lifts up eagle to fly at higher height where no ordinary bird can reach.
  • Turbulent wind gives the eagle a large view: The higher the eagle flies, the larger will be its perspective of the land below it. This gives eagle an opportunity to have a wider and better coverage.
  • The turbulent lifts the eagle above harassment: At lower elevations the eagle is often harassed by suspicious crows. As it soars higher, it leaves behind all these distractions.
  • It also allows the eagle to use less effort and fly faster.
 Can you see how marvellous and beneficial turbulent winds of life could be? If only we can appreciate hidden opportunities in the turbulent winds of life; then we will discover our path to the higher height in life. Face your storms and become a hero.

Monday, November 3, 2014


The creation of mankind is done in such a way that everyone has a role to play in a comprehensive role of life. The creation of mankind shows the power and strength of connectivity that binds us together in order to live a fulfilled life. It is well organised in such a way that no one is left out. It shows that everyone is unique, no matter how bad you think you are; you are for a purpose that must be discovered by yourself.
Despite the fact that God created mankind to exhibit his creative ideas in chain of events of life, if anyone refuses to play his role; life will still continue with or without his contribution. On top of the mountain or in the valley of life; you are there for a specific purpose that you must discover. You either discover the hidden treasure in your present predicament or fade away with it. You either be in picture or out of the whole picture. Life will not cease just because of you; it will continue with or without you. You are only indispensable if you are willing to serve God and humanity. Remember this; for every mission on earth, there are thousands of people on queue waiting to take over from you if you are sluggish with the assigned mission.   

Thursday, September 25, 2014


It is obvious that human beings are prone to error and there is no way mortals can be separated from imperfection. That is why we should accept the fact that we are humans; and we cannot be like God, there is nothing we can do about it.
No matter how hard we try to be perfect, no matter how talented we are, no matter how high our standard may be, once a while, we may fail; we may disappoint others, even ourselves. The reasons are obvious; we are humans, we are mortals, and we are all fallible. Those who make ample provision for human imperfection rarely get disappointed.
However, this is not the time to blow such blunder beyond proportions. This is not the time to rejoice over the shortcomings of others. All we need to do are; to correct in love, rebuke in love, do not condemn anyone. Do not magnify the imperfections of others rather be supportive in overcoming it all. Do all you could in the Spirit of love to bring the person out of such horrible state; do not judge anyone. Accept your spouse, children, boss, colleagues and friends the way they are. Always make provision for human errors in everything.

Monday, September 22, 2014


Order my steps in your light oh Lord
Though gross darkness engulf the whole world
Let your light shine on my path; lest l fall into the pit of life
Guide me in this perverse world; lest l become victim of errors
Order my steps in your light oh Lord

Order my steps in your words oh Lord
Let your words fill my heart; guide me day and night
Teach me what to say, lest l become victim of my own words
Do not allow my enemies to rejoice over me
Order my steps in your words oh Lord

Order my steps in your will oh Lord
Teach me to do your will, lest l become frustrated in my pursuits
Let me hear your voice in this strange world
The voices of the strangers, l will not hear
Order my steps in your will oh Lord

Order my thoughts in your thought oh my Lord
Do not let my thoughts be corrupted with these worldly things
Keep my heart pure oh Lord
Teach me always to be conscious of You
Order my thoughts in your thought oh Lord.

Hope you have been blessed with this inspirational message? Post your testimony; share this post with others. God bless you as you share it with others.........

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Mistakes are bound to happen in as much we are human. Blunders are inevitable in as much we are still in flesh. We always desire to good at all times; we wish to always be like God, but the monster in mankind always find its way to exhibit itself thereby making mankind to commit blunders and errors over and over again. The flesh wage war against the Spirit; likewise Spirit against flesh. That is why many find themselves committing the same errors again and again.
However, what did learn from your last blunder? The fact that you failed or lost something precious is not even the issue, not even how bad your experiences were either, but what you learned from the blunders or errors you committed so that it will not recur again. The greatest lessons are learnt from our mistakes. But you must first admit your failure, mistakes, fall or sin. Do not ever shift blame to others; take responsibility for the consequences of your actions. Then evaluate your losses, mistakes or errors and you will definitely see where you missed it. It is obvious life entangles with mistakes; but a life full of mistakes is a ruined life, condemned to eternal pains and agonies if the victim learn no lesson from it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Most of our dark hours are always the works of enemies
It is not because we are sinners
Sometimes, God uses the period to teach lessons
The mysteries embedded in life
He wants us to know that
There treasures in gross darkness of life

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


They always stand to win
But they could not conquer
They always rise to stand
But blown away by the storms of life
Only those with hearts of FAITH survive the storm
Keep your FAITH alive.

Monday, September 15, 2014


Medals are not meant for those who start well
But for those who end well
No matter how committed to your dreams
No matter the energy you put in
The passion you have for your dreams
Only the end will justify it

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


It is extremely difficult to make a mark in life
If not everyone would have become celebrity
Many started on the right path of life
But ended up in obscurity
It takes patience, commitment and perseverance
To remain relevant in life
It comes with plenty of failure and bully
But if you can stand firm in your pursuit
You will be the light to your generation

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


When you are so down in spirit
With no inner strength to carry you on
Confusion all around you
The fear of unknown grip your soul
And it seems you will not survive
Look deep into your mind
Illuminate your soul
It will definitely take you to limelight.

Hope you have been blessed with this inspirational message? Post your testimony; share this post with others. God bless you as you share it with others.

Monday, September 8, 2014


Life is a teacher, it teaches those who are ready to learn and understand the mysteries embedded in it. I will implore those who come across this piece to read it to the end, there are lessons to learn from it. This incident happened to a member of my church after evening service on Friday. Her son unknowingly locked up the only car key inside the car. Everyone present was troubled because we can see the key at the back seat, but no one can pick it up. All the car windows had been windup except one with little opening. One thing struck my mind; this is how people are beholding their blessings but they could not possess it because of physical and spiritual barriers of life.  Various wise suggestions and counsels were proffered, but non yielded intended result. So also people offer what they think are best counsels and suggestions to us in life; but oftentimes these counsels confuse us more and also make us commit more blunders. We attempted to unlock the hook from the opening, but it was an abortive attempt. Some paths in life are seemed to be right way to reach our destinations, but they complicate the journey of life more.
A call was put through to the expert on this issue, but he said she should wait till following day because is already late. Another word struck my mind; this is how circumstances of life hinder many people from reaching out to their helpers, sometimes cut them off from their helpers. A long wire was entwined together to unlock the side hook, but it was too weak to hook up the lock. Another word struck my mind; this is how many are using wrong tactics to address issues of life, but the end result will be frustrating with pains and agonies. It gotten to a stage that she was fed up; but people were bringing more suggestions. Loved ones offer words of encouragements when we are fed up with life; but oftentimes they do not take away the pains and agonies.
Eventually, someone brought a long iron rod. The rod hooked up the key, but in the processing of drawing the rod, the key fell into an obscure area. Another word struck my mind; this is how people miss out at the junction of possessing their possessions. All hope was lost, but at last someone brought another rod with anchor. The brother placed the rod through the opening and reach out for the hook. Alas! he got the hook, everybody was happy. What took us over an hour with no result was opened by a brother who came at the last minutes when all hope was lost.
Life will never treat us like king or queen; your expectation is the key to your manifestation. No matter problems life poses, always know that there is a way out of it. Though failures are inevitable; you will success at the end, if you can try again and again. 

Hope you have been blessed with this inspirational message? Post your testimony; share this post with others. God bless you as you share it with others.

Friday, September 5, 2014


Life is not a fun fare but warfare
Until you are ready to fight you are not ready to live
Until you take the bull by the horns
Bull will knock you down over and over again
Life is full of frustrations, distractions, destroyers,
Resistances, envies, sycophants and unimaginable evils
These are the enemies you must contend with
And emerge as a winner.
Life is for the strong not the weak.

Hope you have been blessed with this inspirational message? Post your testimony; share this post with others. God bless you as you share it with others.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Ideas are mere imaginations
Until they are transformed to what people can see or feel
They are still a subject for further discussion
People want results not stories
Proofs not assumptions
Result terminates unnecessary arguments
It silences the critics
Only the result rules the world
Be a source of result
You will rule your world through it.

Hope you have been blessed with this inspirational message? Post your testimony; share this post with others. God bless you as you share it with others.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


        Life is will never pity you no matter the condition you find yourself. Life will always put your back on ground over and over again. In fact, life is not fair to anybody. Life constantly throws things at people; be it good or bad, joy or sadness, peace or conflict, comfort or discomfort, riches or poverty.
       However, whatever life throws at you is not the issue, but what you can do with what is thrown at you is what really makes the difference. It is not what happened to you that matters, but what you do with what happened to you. Everyone has reasons to remain on ground whenever life puts our back on ground, but Proverbs 24:16 says “For the righteous man may fall seven times and rise again…..”  Scripture gives ample of examples to establish the fact that you are still the determinant factor in what life will take out of you. Life gave King Hezekiah a protracted illness and death sentence, but he turned it around to good health, long life and all round peace II king 20:1-6. Life threw sorrow at Jabez, but he turned it around in prayer. God blessed him, enlarged his coast, and keep him from evil with no pain I Chronicle 4:10
          What has life thrown at you? Is it failure despite all your efforts to make it in life? Is it disappointment, shame and reproach? Get ready to turn it around. Whenever life puts your back on ground; rise up and start over again. Do not wait for anyone to pity you; you may end up on the same spot till eternity. 

Friday, August 29, 2014


Life on the peak, life in the pit
In times of turmoil, struggle, trial, doubt, loneliness and failure
We look unto our God and it seems He is not there
We feel like cursing Him for forsaken us in the pit of life
Our senses get distorted
We begin to doubt the reality of God
Believing in our emotional pains rather than our FAITH in His word
The wilderness experiences of life make us to alienate from God
But in all these seasons of life, be it good or ugly
God is still God
He will never cease to be God.

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Sometimes my heart goes weary
I feel so troubled in my mind
I find it extremely difficult
To explain the strange feelings
Oftentimes not too real
To share with people around me
In this weariness of soul
I hear the gentle voice whispering to my hear
Hope of a new dawn
Hope of a new a day
Hope that God is there
Fighting my battles
Assurance of victories and glorious tomorrow

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


A thankful heart is a cheerful heart.  A thankful heart is closest to the riches of the universe. A thankful heart is free from the bondage of anxiety, fear and apprehension of life. Show me a cheerful man; l will tell you story of a man free of captivity of deadly diseases. The act of thanksgiving opens the window of heaven for abundant blessing from above. It lifts up our burdens; it takes away sorrowful heart in exchange for joyful heart.        
Jesus Christ laid down precedent to follow. He demonstrated a thankful heart in all His deeds. Jesus Christ gave thanks over five barley loaves and two small fish; five thousand people excluding women and children were well fed. Twelve baskets filled up with the fragments of the five barley loaves were gathered John6:11-13. Jesus Christ gave thanks at the tomb of Lazarus, the dead rose up at His command. Apostle Paul also admonishes us in Philippian 4:6 that we should make our requests known to God through praise and thanksgiving.
No matter how difficult or hopeless a situation may be, if you can just put all the anxieties aside and confront it with thanksgiving, you will be amazed at the supernatural intervention that will follow. A thankful heart is the key to the heart of God; always give thanks.

Monday, August 25, 2014


Let no man boasts in his vision, strength and ability but in God; in whom our visions, strengths, abilities are sustained. Let no man trust in weapons of war but in God, the mighty warrior and great in battle. Let no man put trust in men, because they are mere mortals, but in God who is ever faithful to His people from generation to generation. Let no man takes revenge for the wrong doings of others, but leaves it to God; He pays everyone accordingly to his deeds. Let no man rejoices on the fall of others; in as much we are still breathing, we are bound to commit the same blunders.
Let no man speaks evil of others because no one is a saint in the sight of God; it is of His mercies we are not consumed by our day to day blunders. Let no man thinks he stands; but be watchful or else he falls into the pit of life out of ignorance. Let no man be weary of doing good; God will reward him at the right season. Let no man be lazy; but be diligent in all his deeds. Let no man conceals truth; because the truth will always find its way out, no matter how it is concealed.
God wants us to lean on Him irrespective of what we think we are capable of doing. Though He gives us free WILL to do otherwise, only in Him we can be fulfilled in life without any regret.

Friday, August 22, 2014


The beauty of life is all about building the lives of others
Magnifying their good side
Seeing them as unique individual instead of stereotype
Respecting their values instead of ridiculing them
Modelling unconditional love instead of love with strange attachment
Applauding each step of growth instead of saying you will never change
Seeing their potentials instead of seeing them
As problems too difficult to handle
Believe in them even when they do not believe in themselves
That is what builders do.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Through the thick and thin of life
In distress time and turbulent time
When it seems l will never survive
When many are falling in the battle of life
In hundreds and thousands
The fear of death grip my heart
The fear of boisterous storm envelop my soul
When mighty and strong men are falling
But in this turbulent season of life
Without any hope of surviving the storm
God is there for me
Watching over the unworthy son like me
His saving grace, his hands of comfort
Gives me hope in this boisterous storm of life.
Thank you oh God for your love

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Things do not just happen
They are made to happen
What make ocean unsettled is underneath the ocean
Guns do not kill people
People kill people
Guns do not unleash its destructive mission
Until someone pulls the trigger
God has given us a great mind-set to think widely
To conceive beautiful and gigantic dreams
But such will remain mere dreams
Until both spiritual and physical forces are set in motion
To bury one’s head in the sand
Like the proverbial ostrich
Wishing heavens will come down to help
Is a great blunder that someone may commit
It is just like living in the world of fantasy
Filled with the illusions of life
Life will never pity you or console you
Until you take the bull by the horns
Things do not just happen
Someone must make it happen

Monday, August 18, 2014



 Events of life touch us like cool breeze and most times, we do not feel it to marrow. The day an event happens is not the day it started. Every event of life gives sign before it happens. But oftentimes, we are too busy to feel or see it. Signs are means of alerting us what is about to happen or what is already happening. They are herald of events which are to come. They can be spiritual or physical in nature.
Before a machine will eventually breaks down, it must have exhibited some signs that evitable breakdown is bound to occur if no corrective measures are put in place. Before a major health breakdown, the patient must have noticed certain symptoms indicative of a particular sickness. God uses many medium to caution us in our pursuit in life; dreams, events around us, people around and so on, but careless attitude has made to lose out and become a victim of what He is trying to warn us about. Balaam would have been killed by the Angel who stood on his way, if not for his donkey Number 22:22-31. Samson became a grinder in the prison of Philistine, object of ridicule to those who merry before he died a shameful death with his enemies because he did not yield to early warning signals from God Judge 14:1-4, 16:1, 4-31.
This brings to mind the fact to be proactive rather than be reactive in life because event will careless to deal with at the early stage may alters, delays or outright aborts destiny. Being proactive is an antidote to being reactive. It is a wisdom and economical to pre-empt evil before it occurs. What will cost us to prevent the avoidable from happening will be lesser than what will cost us to manage the ravage left behind after the occurrence. Sometimes it is irreparable. We should always be sensitive to things around us. Rise up to issues especially at the early stage, when it has not become unsolvable issue. Do not wait for a potential problem to grow into crisis. Attack it when you notice the early warning signals.
