Friday, August 29, 2014


Life on the peak, life in the pit
In times of turmoil, struggle, trial, doubt, loneliness and failure
We look unto our God and it seems He is not there
We feel like cursing Him for forsaken us in the pit of life
Our senses get distorted
We begin to doubt the reality of God
Believing in our emotional pains rather than our FAITH in His word
The wilderness experiences of life make us to alienate from God
But in all these seasons of life, be it good or ugly
God is still God
He will never cease to be God.

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Sometimes my heart goes weary
I feel so troubled in my mind
I find it extremely difficult
To explain the strange feelings
Oftentimes not too real
To share with people around me
In this weariness of soul
I hear the gentle voice whispering to my hear
Hope of a new dawn
Hope of a new a day
Hope that God is there
Fighting my battles
Assurance of victories and glorious tomorrow

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


A thankful heart is a cheerful heart.  A thankful heart is closest to the riches of the universe. A thankful heart is free from the bondage of anxiety, fear and apprehension of life. Show me a cheerful man; l will tell you story of a man free of captivity of deadly diseases. The act of thanksgiving opens the window of heaven for abundant blessing from above. It lifts up our burdens; it takes away sorrowful heart in exchange for joyful heart.        
Jesus Christ laid down precedent to follow. He demonstrated a thankful heart in all His deeds. Jesus Christ gave thanks over five barley loaves and two small fish; five thousand people excluding women and children were well fed. Twelve baskets filled up with the fragments of the five barley loaves were gathered John6:11-13. Jesus Christ gave thanks at the tomb of Lazarus, the dead rose up at His command. Apostle Paul also admonishes us in Philippian 4:6 that we should make our requests known to God through praise and thanksgiving.
No matter how difficult or hopeless a situation may be, if you can just put all the anxieties aside and confront it with thanksgiving, you will be amazed at the supernatural intervention that will follow. A thankful heart is the key to the heart of God; always give thanks.

Monday, August 25, 2014


Let no man boasts in his vision, strength and ability but in God; in whom our visions, strengths, abilities are sustained. Let no man trust in weapons of war but in God, the mighty warrior and great in battle. Let no man put trust in men, because they are mere mortals, but in God who is ever faithful to His people from generation to generation. Let no man takes revenge for the wrong doings of others, but leaves it to God; He pays everyone accordingly to his deeds. Let no man rejoices on the fall of others; in as much we are still breathing, we are bound to commit the same blunders.
Let no man speaks evil of others because no one is a saint in the sight of God; it is of His mercies we are not consumed by our day to day blunders. Let no man thinks he stands; but be watchful or else he falls into the pit of life out of ignorance. Let no man be weary of doing good; God will reward him at the right season. Let no man be lazy; but be diligent in all his deeds. Let no man conceals truth; because the truth will always find its way out, no matter how it is concealed.
God wants us to lean on Him irrespective of what we think we are capable of doing. Though He gives us free WILL to do otherwise, only in Him we can be fulfilled in life without any regret.

Friday, August 22, 2014


The beauty of life is all about building the lives of others
Magnifying their good side
Seeing them as unique individual instead of stereotype
Respecting their values instead of ridiculing them
Modelling unconditional love instead of love with strange attachment
Applauding each step of growth instead of saying you will never change
Seeing their potentials instead of seeing them
As problems too difficult to handle
Believe in them even when they do not believe in themselves
That is what builders do.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Through the thick and thin of life
In distress time and turbulent time
When it seems l will never survive
When many are falling in the battle of life
In hundreds and thousands
The fear of death grip my heart
The fear of boisterous storm envelop my soul
When mighty and strong men are falling
But in this turbulent season of life
Without any hope of surviving the storm
God is there for me
Watching over the unworthy son like me
His saving grace, his hands of comfort
Gives me hope in this boisterous storm of life.
Thank you oh God for your love

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Things do not just happen
They are made to happen
What make ocean unsettled is underneath the ocean
Guns do not kill people
People kill people
Guns do not unleash its destructive mission
Until someone pulls the trigger
God has given us a great mind-set to think widely
To conceive beautiful and gigantic dreams
But such will remain mere dreams
Until both spiritual and physical forces are set in motion
To bury one’s head in the sand
Like the proverbial ostrich
Wishing heavens will come down to help
Is a great blunder that someone may commit
It is just like living in the world of fantasy
Filled with the illusions of life
Life will never pity you or console you
Until you take the bull by the horns
Things do not just happen
Someone must make it happen

Monday, August 18, 2014



 Events of life touch us like cool breeze and most times, we do not feel it to marrow. The day an event happens is not the day it started. Every event of life gives sign before it happens. But oftentimes, we are too busy to feel or see it. Signs are means of alerting us what is about to happen or what is already happening. They are herald of events which are to come. They can be spiritual or physical in nature.
Before a machine will eventually breaks down, it must have exhibited some signs that evitable breakdown is bound to occur if no corrective measures are put in place. Before a major health breakdown, the patient must have noticed certain symptoms indicative of a particular sickness. God uses many medium to caution us in our pursuit in life; dreams, events around us, people around and so on, but careless attitude has made to lose out and become a victim of what He is trying to warn us about. Balaam would have been killed by the Angel who stood on his way, if not for his donkey Number 22:22-31. Samson became a grinder in the prison of Philistine, object of ridicule to those who merry before he died a shameful death with his enemies because he did not yield to early warning signals from God Judge 14:1-4, 16:1, 4-31.
This brings to mind the fact to be proactive rather than be reactive in life because event will careless to deal with at the early stage may alters, delays or outright aborts destiny. Being proactive is an antidote to being reactive. It is a wisdom and economical to pre-empt evil before it occurs. What will cost us to prevent the avoidable from happening will be lesser than what will cost us to manage the ravage left behind after the occurrence. Sometimes it is irreparable. We should always be sensitive to things around us. Rise up to issues especially at the early stage, when it has not become unsolvable issue. Do not wait for a potential problem to grow into crisis. Attack it when you notice the early warning signals.

Friday, August 15, 2014


Oftentimes our minds are clouded
With irrelevant things of life
We allow the burden of life
To overwhelm our souls
Out of ignorance
We surrender to pressure and responses of men
While our God is there for us
To take away the burden off our shoulders
God is waiting for whoever is ready to lean on Him.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


Revenge is defined as retaliation act; desire to punish somebody or someone else in retaliation for the harm done by the person, related party or other party not related to the person who inflicts the harm. Revenge is cancerous in nature; it blindfolds the revenger to commit the irreversible evil. Many revengers thought revenge is the ultimate, but it is not. Revenge creates more vacuum fills with anger. It is a new phase for bitterness of heart. What you desired to achieve will eventually consume your right thinking; leaving you with more pains and regrets. Revenge takes away God’s nature and activates the monster in us. Revenge masks with deceptions of what we intend to accomplish and make us guilty of another offence. The chains of revenge never end, it continues until everyone connected to the matter is consumed.
That is why the act of forgiveness is the best path to take. God uses Himself as a point of reference for others to follow. Despite all our shortcomings, He forgives our sins and blot out our evil deeds. He wants us to do the same to those who hit where it pains most. That act of revenge is not the ultimate; it only creates more space for the evil to be perpetuated.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


I have searched through the length and breadth of the earth
Hoping for the world of happiness
I have been through the thin and thick in the journey of life
Waiting to see the joy of life
I crawl, walk even run in the pursuit of happiness
I thought my joy will come
If and only if
I can get through elementary education
I can get through high school
I can get through tertiary
But all have not given me my desired joy
Proceeding in the pursuit of happiness
I thought my joy will come
If and only if
I can get a good job
A beautiful mansion
Driving a posh car around
But not yet satisfied
Beautiful wife, lovely kids in my castle
But my heart still panting for more
More money more problems
More power more abuses
More connections more enemies
From cradle to grave is vanity
Vanity in vanity
But in God our comfort, peace and all round beauty are sustained.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Every challenge of life is for a purpose
It prepares us for the next phase
Though the challenge may be so tough
Seems you will not survive the storm
That does not mean we should compromise
No matter how tough the battle is
We should endure it to the end
Because only those who endure to the end
Have good story to share with others.

Monday, August 11, 2014


No matter how blessed our lives
How charmed our existence
How beautiful each chapter of our lives
Things still inevitably irrevocably go wrong
Some are swindled of their fortunes
Some are betrayed by their friends
Husband divorces wife
Wife divorces husband
Loss of loved ones
Families battling with infidelity
Families battling with terminal diseases
Inevitable crises here and there
Eventually bad things find us all
At some point in the voyage of life
But God sees it all
He knows all about our predicaments in life
But testing our faith to know how faithful we are
In good, bad and ugly time.

Sunday, August 10, 2014


Life has taught me another lesson
Thus it makes life amuses me the more
It has come to my understanding that
Once we are still breathing breath of life
There is no permanent friend or enemy
Those you think have done you wrong today
May be your saving grace tomorrow
Those who stabbed you from back today
May be your comforter tomorrow
Life is full of mysteries
As Sun rises and sets
It continues to unfold the mysteries embedded in it.

Saturday, August 9, 2014


Life is full of mysteries; comedy to those who want to laugh, tragedy to those who feel the pains and agonies life offers. I observe the trend of events in each phase of life; indeed life is embedded in mysteries that no one can unfold when it is needed most.
I see people preordained for a specific position in life; but unable to get there because they are always in wrong company. Every step they take to make things right always take them far from their purpose on earth. They have mind of gold, but concealed in dirt. They have good motives; but overwhelmed by evil deeds of their company.
I see people running with all their strength and energy without knowing what is pursuing them. They run and run until they breathe the last breath of life. I see people struggling and jostling to assume position of authority; believing it is the will of God. In the pursuit of power and authority some even maim and kill those who constitute forces against them. They have forgotten that it is of the Lord to give power and authority. He dethrones and enthrones at His will. No one can assume position of authority be it good or evil man without the consent of God.
Everyone has good plans to become something worthwhile in life; but forces of life fast-forward, delay, alter or abort the good plans. Everyone has aspiration one point at a time; but it may not be the right season. That is why many suffer massive loss in their pursuits in life. What shall we do to know what life will offer? Shall we fold our arms and accepting anything life offers us or claim what we desire from life?
 In God, all the mysteries concealed in life can be unfolded. That is why we should trust Him with our hearts, acknowledge Him in all our plans, we should not believe in our own ways; but in His way. Always be patient to hear what He wants to say before we take a step, do not be distracted during the waiting season, then God will order our steps into destiny.

Friday, August 8, 2014


Time is priceless
Yet it costs us nothing
You can do anything you want with it
But you cannot own it
You can spend it
But you cannot keep it
And once you have lost it
There is no way you can get it back
It is just gone forever
Indeed time is priceless

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Trials of life always want to weary us out. They appear like a giant mountain too difficult to climb, legions of scary demons waiting to consume us, boisterous storm ready to sink us in the voyage of life. But a real man can see beyond momentary trials. A strong man comfort himself in agony of life. A bold man will stand in any ugly situation even if he falls again and again.
Only a bold man can see that the legions of frightened demons are mere shadows, a giant mountain is just a stepping stone to greater height in life, boisterous will only aid the ship of life in reaching the right destination. Real men are considered absurd by others because they see what others cannot, they feel what others cannot feel, inspire by what bring others down. Real men are so called by what they say, action they take, the attitude they put up; especially when they are sinking in the storm of life. They are stronger than any situation, bolder than any doubt.  They know that their depression will depress others, the expression of their fear and hopelessness will spell suicide for others.
        In the face of negative, they say positive things. In the face of fear, the speak faith. In the face of death, they speak life. In the face of feasible failure, they see outstanding success. These are the lubricants that ease the intense frictions of life in a real man.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


I see beyond the past, today and tomorrow
I look into the future
Though gross darkness covers the whole earth
And it seems a new dawn will not break forth
Though it looks l am alone
In the voyage of life
And there is no one to lean on
But l look into the future
I feel the comfort of His presence
I see glorious days ahead
I see jubilation, celebration and merriment
Around my coast
Just a matter of time
I will get there
Just a matter of time
All the agonies of today
Will become stories of the past
We will all wine and dine together again
Just a matter of time

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Pray for me and l will pray for you
Pray for the present and the future ahead
Pray for the good and evil doers
Pray for the genius
And those who are not so smart
Pray for the rich
Living in exclusive mansions
Pray for the poor who are destitute
Pray for the leaders and the followers
Pray for the aggrieved and the joyful ones
Pray for the young and
Pray for the unborn babies
Pray for the world of comfort and peace
Pray for me and l will pray for you.

Monday, August 4, 2014


Despite all the challenges of life
When it seems l will not survive
When the burden of life has overwhelmed my soul
And it seems there is no escape route
In these ordeals of life
I can sing
I can dance
I can smile
I can be all l want to be.

In the voyage of life
When boisterous storms has taken over the voyage
The ship of life being tossed to and fro
And it seems l will not have smooth journey
In this turbulent voyage
I can sing
I can dance
I can smile
I can be all l want to be.

In the wilderness of life
When there is no one to lean
I cry all the night
With no one to console me
In this period of loneliness
I can sing
I can dance
I can smile
I can be all l want to be.

All l need is to brace up
Pick up my broken pieces
And make a fresh start
Though the road may be rough with gross darkness around
I can see a light at the end of the tunnel
I can sing
I can dance
 I can smile
I can be all l want to be.

Friday, August 1, 2014


No mind is blank of ideas
No one is an accident to his or her generation
Everyone is endowed with raw potentials
Everyone is endowed with wisdom, strength and mighty
There is a candle in every soul
All you have to do
Is to ignite your candle
And illuminate the darkness around you
Show forth the world the potentials in you
Ignite the candle in your soul
And illuminate your world.
