Revenge is defined as retaliation act; desire to punish somebody or
someone else in retaliation for the harm done by the person, related party or
other party not related to the person who inflicts the harm. Revenge is
cancerous in nature; it blindfolds the revenger to commit the irreversible evil. Many revengers thought revenge is the ultimate, but it is not. Revenge
creates more vacuum fills with anger. It is a new phase for bitterness of
heart. What you desired to achieve will eventually consume your right thinking;
leaving you with more pains and regrets. Revenge takes away God’s nature and
activates the monster in us. Revenge masks with deceptions of what we intend to
accomplish and make us guilty of another offence. The chains of revenge never
end, it continues until everyone connected to the matter is consumed.
Thank you Ayo for sharing this message. I have learnt to forgive rather than to take revenge